
  • Fauziah Nasution Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
  • Muhfita Muhfita Choiriyah Srg Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
  • Fauzia Amelia BR Siregar Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara, Indonesia


Data Security, PHP, Mysql, AES.


The information processing approach is a method used to extract information from various sources with the aim of understanding, analyzing, and utilizing that information in decision-making. This approach involves a series of processes including collection, processing, analysis, and interpretation of acquired information. In the information processing approach, information is collected from various sources such as documents, databases, interviews, surveys, and the internet. The collected information is then processed using suitable techniques and methods, including natural language processing, data analysis, data mining, and other information processing techniques. The outcome of the information processing approach is a better understanding of the researched topic. Through the analysis of acquired information, relevant patterns, trends, and relationships can be identified. This enables better decision-making and more effective problem-solving. The discussion regarding the information processing approach involves the evaluation and interpretation of the obtained results. The methods used in this approach must be valid and reliable to generate accurate and trustworthy information. The discussion also involves ethical considerations in information collection and usage. The information processing approach has numerous applications in various fields, including business, science, healthcare, and technology. In the business world, this approach is used for market analysis, consumer research, and business strategy development. In the scientific field, it is employed in experiments and data analysis. In healthcare, the information processing approach is used in disease diagnosis and medical research. In technology, it is utilized in the development of intelligent systems and natural language processing. Overall, the information processing approach is an essential method for collecting, processing, and analyzing information to gain a better understanding and make more effective decisions. With technological advancements, this approach continues to evolve and make significant contributions in various areas of life.



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